Saturday, May 1, 2010

Looking Brighter

So, as you well know, my boyfriend is gone for the summer and I have been uber sad about it since the second he left! But, I got to talk to a friend last night and he helped me get some perspective on the situation. He asked if I would bring him home if it was my choice. Wow! I hate when people ask me questions like that! A part of me would want to bring him home, but the bigger part of me (no, not my gut!) would want him to stay out there and get the experience that he will surely get from this adventure! I know that this experience will be good for him and for his future. And, since I am part of his future, it will be good for me too :) Since talking to my friend I have had a much better outlook on this situation of separation. A week has already passed, so he will only be gone for another 14 weeks! Then we will get to spend a nice, little vacation in NYC! See the sights, watch Wicked, museums, architecture, The Big Apple! It will be a fun and joyous reunion!

1 comment:

R Clark Graham said...

I'm glad you've come around the realizing what the value of this separation is. It really will make a difference, not despite the pain, but in part because of the pain. You'll both be better for it. Love isn't limited by boundaries.